Video series Part 1-5
A series of five videos, approximately 30 minutes each, delivered by an experienced and qualified paediatric speech and language therapist. It encompasses information, tips and useful strategies to help children with late expressive langauge skills develop language (speech). These tips and strategies are demonstrated and explained so that they are easily adapted to the home and school environment. The videos come with a handout which has all the information covered within the videos and which you can use to make notes. Each video also ends with tips to try out at home before beginning the next video. These videos are ideal for parents who are concerned about their late talker or for professionals who work with children with delayed language skills in schools, nurseries or other settings. The strategies are ideal for children who are saying only a few or no words and are not yet putting two words together, but who have good attention and listening, play and understanding. The videos are not targeted for children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.
1. Firstly Purchase the product by clicking the button below “BUY NOW”
2. After purchase you will receive an email with the download link to a PDF within 5 minutes
3. Once the handbook PDF is downloaded at the top of the first page is a link, please click on it
4. you will now find yourself on a website called Dropbox with all the videos shown. Do not play them from the website
5. To the right of each video you will see 3 dots please click on them
6. Once clicked a dropdown box will appear with one of the options being “Download” once clicked the video will be downloaded to you computer.
Please repeat steps 5 and 6 for each video
For any help contact